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Top 10 Funniest Short Jokes in the World 2024

The Coconut Vendor

The Coconut Vendor - Funny Story

The Coconut Vendor

One day a coconut vendor was at a garden, collecting some 


He had come on his horse and had brought a big basket along to fill

it up. 

As he went on collecting and collecting, soon he had a massive 

quantity of coconuts. 

He was very pleased and delighted. 

“Wow, I ended up with a lot more than I had expected.” 

The man put his basket onto his horse and continued his way home. 

The journey was very long, as the garden was far outside the city. 

Soon, the sun began to set. 

As the man was traveling, he saw a young boy nearby. 

“How long do you think it will take me to get to the city?” he asked. 

“If you go slowly, you will reach faster. 

If you faster, you will reach slowly.” 

the boy replied and ran off 

“What sort of logic is that?” thought the man. 

He continued his journey and made his horse run faster. 

But as soon as they picked up speed some coconuts would fall off 

his basket. 

The man would have to get off and put them back in. 

As they sped up again, some coconuts fell off again and they had to 


This went on and on and finally by night time, the vendor reached 

his house, later than he had expected. 

That is when he realized what the young boy had meant.

Thank You...
