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Top 10 Funniest Short Jokes in the World 2024

The Monkey’s Heart

The Monkey’s Heart - Funny Story

The Monkey’s Heart

Upon the river bank there was crocodile who was about to lay eggs. 

Like any other lady about to pop out a baby, the crocodile had an 

odd situation of cravings going on. 

One day, proving to be the loving husband he was, her husband 

made the mistake of asking her what she would like to eat. 

“A monkey’s heart” was her reply. 

Her husband was confused, and lost. 

How on earth was he to get a monkey’s heart? 

But being the great spouse he was, he came up with a plan. 

First, he destroyed the bridge the monkey usually used to cross the 


When the monkey arrived at the bank, he stood confused. 

“Oh banana skins! Where on earth is the bridge?” 

That’s exactly the kind of question the crocodile had been waiting 


“Hey monkey! I’ll help you cross the river!” 

The monkey was surprised at the kind request and so he agreed. 

He climbed onto the crocodile’s back and they began to swim across 

the river but as they reached the middle, the crocodile confessed to 

the monkey. 

“I’m not really helping your cross the river. 

In reality my wife wants to eat a monkey’s heart and I will give you 

over to her.” 

The monkey was shocked, but he was a clever man. 

He knew what to do. 

“I am so grateful for your honesty, but even if you give me over to 

your wife, she still won’t get my heart, because we don’t keep it in 

our chest.” smiled the monkey. 

“What? Then where is your heart?” asked the crocodile confused. 

“We keep our hearts on the highest tops of the fig trees, safe and 


Since you have been so honest, if you agree to not hurt me, I will 

quickly go and fetch my heart and toss it to you” said the monkey. 

The poor crocodile who was a gullible creature, agreed. 

“Sounds good” he said and they began to swim back to the bank. 

When they reached the bank, the monkey quickly climbed onto a 

tree and began to laugh. 

He had fooled the poor crocodile and had escaped. 

“Darn it!” snapped the crocodile, and began to swim back to his 

home, ready to face the wrath of his hungry wife.

Thank You...
