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Top 10 Funniest Short Jokes in the World 2024

The Man And His Cat

The Man And His Cat - Funny Story

The Man And His Cat

Once upon a time, there lived a couple, who was 

happily married and had a pet cat. 

For some odd reason, the man absolutely hated the cat. 

There was no day he did not wish to get rid of the cat. 

One day he finally made a plan to get rid of it. 

He snuck the cat into a sack and drove far away from their house. 

“I will drop him twenty blocks away, and he will never come back” 

laughed the man and stopped twenty blocks away from their home. 

He left the cat there and as he was making his way back, he noticed 

that the cat was roaming around outside their house. 

He was so shocked and angry. 

“How can he be back here!?” 

he exclaimed. 

A couple of days went by and he came up with another plan. 

“This time I will drop him forty blocks away, and he will never 


he thought to himself. 

He put the cat in a sack and dropped it off forty blocks away from 

their house. 

When he returned, the cat was already in its spot. 

The man was raging now. 

He stomped his feet and grew red with anger. 

How was this possible? 

He came up with one last plan to get rid of the cat. 

He put her in a sack and drove as far as he could. 

He took lefts and rights and turns as we went on and on. 

When he finally arrived as far as he could from their home, 

he reached for the sack, but it was empty! 

He dialed his wife’s number and as she picked up, he asked, 

“Hey honey, is the cat home?”. 

“Yes, it is” she replied. 

“Can you give it the phone; I need to ask it for directions to get back 

home” replied the man. 

Thank You...
