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Top 10 Funniest Short Jokes in the World 2024

Neither Here Nor There

Neither Here Nor There - Funny Story

Neither Here Nor There

A small little doggy was trotting around, when he came across a 

froggy who walking up right. 

He wagged his tail and followed the frog, asking him why he’s 

choosing to walk. “Why don’t you jump” asked the doggy.  

The frog was clearly annoyed. “Why don’t you leap across the 

ground doggy” said the frog, as he continued walking away. 

But the little doggy could not read his annoyance. 

“I have heard you can jump as high as a mountain and cross this 

entire space in one go!” gushed the dog excitedly.  

But the frog rolled his eyes. 

“Listen up champ, if I do jump, the farthest I will land is on that 


So if you could stop talking, I will continue to keep walking” said 

the frog as he went on. 

The little doggy sighed disappointingly and went his own way, 

wishing he could jump as high himself. 

Thank You...
