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Top 10 Funniest Short Jokes in the World 2024

The Elf’s Ant

The Elf’s Ant - Funny Story

The Elf’s Ant

There was once an Elf who had a pet ant. 

He loved his little ant so much that he would try his level best to 

feed him all that he could. 

He would give it leftover food, crumbs, nits of candy, and 

everything he could not eat himself. 

The ant always happily gobbled up everything he was fed. 

This went on for years and years, and the ant kept gobbling up all 

the food he got, snacking and munching all the time. 

As the ant did so, it got bigger, and bigger, and bigger, till it could 

no longer fit into the room. 

Even though the Elf loved his ant so dearly, he had no choice but to 

give him up to the zoo. 

Everyone at the zoo knew that this was the Elf’s ant, and so it 

became known as the “Elephant” over time. 

Years and years went by, and to this day people go to see the 

Elephant, but they just don’t know the story behind its odd name.

Thank You...
