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Top 10 Funniest Short Jokes in the World 2024

The Mouse Ghost

The Mouse Ghost - Funny Story

The Mouse Ghost

There was once a tiny little mouse who was so terrified of being 

trampled and squished by all the other animals in the forest that he 

always hid in the bushes. 

It was almost as if they enjoyed scaring him or threatening him.  

One day as the mouse was wandering around during the night, a 

strong wind began to blow. 

Suddenly, a white cloth came flying with the wind and landed over 

the mouse. 

As he began to shuffle around, an idea came to his mind.  

He should pretend to be a vicious ghost. 

And that is what he did. 

During the night he would keep on the white cloth over his body and 

loom around the forest till some animals spotted him. 

They were instantly petrified. 

Soon word began to spread and all the animals found out that there 

was a ghost which lived on the dark path in the forest. 

The mouse was pretty happy. 

Now he did not have to fear being trampled by the animals and 

could live in peace, since none of them were brave enough to cross 

the path where a ghost had been spotted, and if they did, the mouse 

would chase them away. 

One day, as seasons changed, a lot of animals had to migrate and 

had to go down the path where the ghost lived. 

“Oh boy, oh boy, I hope the ghost isn’t around today” whispered one 

of them. 

But as soon as they began to walk down that path, the mouse 

appeared and began to chase them out. 

But suddenly a gush of wind blew and the white cloth flew off the 

teeny tiny mouse and he was exposed. 

The animals were so angry that they chased him out of the forest and 

he was never allowed to come back.

Thank You...
