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Top 10 Funniest Short Jokes in the World 2024

The Foolish Boy

The Foolish Boy - Funny Story

The Foolish Boy

Once upon a time there was a foolish boy named Danny. 

He was careless and never paid attention to his work. 

One day Mr. Tim was getting his house painted. 

When Danny arrived at their house, he was intrigued. 

“Why are you getting your house painted Mr. Tim?” asked Danny as 

he watched. 

“Because I want to make my house look beautiful.” Replied Mr. Tim 

and Danny continued with his day. 

A few days went by and Mr. Tim had to attend an important event. 

As Danny was around, he asked him to dress up his youngest son. 

“I want him to look prim, proper and beautiful” Mr. Tim smiled. 

Now Danny was such a foolish boy, he did not consider his actions 


He just went and put paint all over the little boy, because Mr. Tim 

had said paint was making the house beautiful. 

This made Mr. Tim very angry.  

Another day came when Mr. Steve asked Danny to run an errand for 

him and drop off some letters into the mail box. 

Danny went off early during the day, but returned in the evening 

with the letters still in his hand. 

Mr. Steve was very confused, and asked Danny why he still had the 


“When I went to the letter box, it was locked. 

I kept trying and trying to open it but I could not.”  

How foolish, thought Mr. Steve. Now both Tim and Steve were 

cross with him. 

A few days went by again, and Mr. Tim gave Danny a bottle of 


Danny left it on his study table, but when he was about to go into the 

shower, he accidentally grabbed a bottle of glue and went in, without 

paying any attention. 

When he came out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror 

and he was shocked.  

Danny began to cry seeing his hair all messed up. 

When Mr. Tim came to see why Danny was crying, he began to 

laugh hard. 

Danny’s foolishness had cost him heavy this time, and he had to get 

his head shaved. 

He was so devastated that he promised himself to be more careful. 

Thank You...
